Silent passions and untold truths of love and hate mold each and every page of The Lord of High Cliff Manor by Irene Pascoe.
The heroine Jennifer Shanley is portrayed in a sweet but firm manor unlike most women of 1882. Her strength and courage carry
the story from grim corner to corner. Mark Kennecott will entangle your senses and keep you guessing at every turn. Does he
have something to hide? I thought the story was sweet and wholesome with an ending that took me by surprise. Just when you
think you know who the culprit is, you turn the page and find another suspect. Ms. Pascoe has done a wonderful job of keeping
the secret of the Dolphin until the very last moment. The Lord of High Cliff Manor is a wonderfully sweet romance everyone
can enjoy.
Reviewed by: Sadie
Fallen Angel Reviews
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